What does it mean that Christ is the cornerstone in God’s building? In the Psalms we see that Christ is the refuge rock, the blessed Rock, the protecting rock, the higher rock, the unique rock, the strengthening rock, the habitation rock, the unfailing rock, the salvation rock, and the trusting rock! Also, He is nine types of stones: the eternal rock, the foundation stone, the living stone, the cornerstone, the precious stone, the topstone, the cleft rock, the crushing stone, and the stone of stumbling! Specifically, brother Andrew Yu was sharing at least 6 aspects in which Christ being the cornerstone is very significant: [continue reading online the six aspects]
the significance of Christ as the cornerstone for God’s building (Psalm 118)
in the church life and as the local church we need to learn to blend and learn to fellowship!

We need to see that, according to the divine revelation in the Holy Word, God has a heart’s desire – He desires to have a corporate expression in humanity, a corporate people who collectively express Him in oneness. Before He could obtain such an expression, the enemy Satan came in and tricked man, ruining him […]
Christ is extending His days in His believers – enjoy His resurrection life today!

At the Lord’s table on the Lord’s day we sang one of my favourite Hymns which seems to get richer and richer – Hymn #203, which is a Praise of the Lord for His Increase (listen to it online, or read the lyrics online). 1. In the bosom of the Father, Ere the ages had begun, Thou […]
even as He is, we will be – His reproduction, His duplication!
I really enjoyed John 12:24 this morning Truly, truly I say to you, unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. In the physical world, if you take a grain of wheat and put it anywhere else but in the ground/earth, […]