Christ in His ascension is on the throne executing the new covenant for us to enjoy all its bequests. Praise the Lord for the new covenant prophesied by Jeremiah and enacted by the Lord Jesus, according to which God inscribes His law into our mind that we may know Him, He puts His law within […]
Christ on the Throne is now Executing the New Covenant for us to Enjoy its Bequests
In the New Covenant God is our God and we are His People, and we Know God Inwardly

The revelation of God’s highest grace toward man is His new covenant with man; in the new covenant God promises to put His law within us, write His law into our mind that we may know God, He will be our God and we will be His people, we will not need anyone to teach […]
Bearing a Sign that We Are God’s People by Daily and Regularly Enjoying God

As believers in Christ and as those who are burdened for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, we need to be those who bear a sign that we are God’s people. What is the distinctive sign that we are the people of God? There must be something like a ring, a […]
Being Filled with The Enjoyment of God and then Working Together with God
![At the end of the 10 days of prayer in the upper room (Acts 2:1-4) they were filled with the Holy Spirit as the power, and they were filled with the heavenly wine, the heavenly power. In this power and by this power coming from their enjoyment of God they worked as one, one with God and one with one another. [in the picture: Acts 2:4]](
Before God created man He made sure the earth was a pleasant place for man to be – He created the atmosphere, the plants, the animals, and everything needed for man to live. Then, when man was created, all he needed to do is to rest with God and enjoy God, and then to dress […]
God specifically chose us, sealed us, and now He owns us! (2011 winter school of truth)
Doesn’t it feel good to know that you actually belong to Someone and that Someone actually cares about you very much? I have learned that when we believed in the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of God sealed us: this signifies that God is our owner and that we belong to Him! This can be related to: when a farmer wishes to seal his/her cattle so that the cattle then becomes the farmer’s property; therefore, an ownership is signified by the seal. Similarly, God is our owner and we belong to Him and only to Him! Because we have been sealed, we should bear the image of God and the expression of God. Praise the Lord, we want to SAY NO TO SATAN and SAY YES TO THE LORD! [continue reading this sharing from a sister who recently attended the Winter School of the Truth in London, UK]