As believers in Christ, we are branches in the true vine of the Son and the new child of the Spirit, growing to be the new man – a full-grown man. The incorporation of the consummated God with the regenerated believers in resurrection issues in the Father’s house, the Son’s vine, and the Spirit’s […]
We’re Branches in the True Vine of the Son and the New Child of the Spirit, the New Man
We need to See that we are Branches in the Vine and Maintain our Fellowship with the Lord

Our Christian life is a life of abiding in the Lord; we need to see a clear vision that we are branches in the vine and maintain our fellowship with the Lord so that we can abide in Christ and abide in the Son. Amen, we are branches in Christ, the vine! We believers […]
The Father is the Source, Christ is the True Vine, we are the Branches, and the Spirit is the Reality

John 15 reveals four important matters: the Father as the husbandman (the farmer), the Son as the true vine, the Spirit of reality as the life sap flowing in the vine, and the Body of Christ as the many branches in the vine. John chapters 14-17 show us how we as believers in Christ […]
Enjoy the Processed and Dispensing Triune God as Branches in the Vine and Members of Christ

The intrinsic essence of the church as the Body of Christ is the true vine, for all believers are grafted in Christ and enjoy the flow of life, partaking of the processed and dispensing Triune God and thus being one in Him! Hallelujah! We need to turn our view from anything outward related to the […]
The Lord Knows our Tribulation, and He Knows Religion Opposes Christ and the Church

The Lord told the church in Smyrna not to fear the things which she was about to suffer (prison, persecution, tribulation, and even death), because He knows their tribulation and poverty, and to those who are faithful, He will give the crown of life (see Rev. 2:8-11). The church in Smyrna was a suffering church; […]
Everything in the Church Life must be in the Nature of Life for the Imparting of Life

The church as the increase of Christ is a matter of life, and everything in the church must be in the nature of life, with the content of life, and in the imparting of life. The church is not a building; the church is the increase of Christ, the multiplication and reproduction of Christ in […]
Christ’s Resurrection Issued in the Son’s Vine and the Spirit’s Child (the New Man)

Did you know that in the resurrection of Christ the consummated Triune God was incorporated with the regenerated believers? This is the highest vision concerning Christ in His resurrection: He was glorified by the Father by releasing the divine life from within Him, He became the life-giving Spirit, He was begotten of God to be […]