Who can work with the Lord for the Body? In Song of Songs we see that if we would work with the Lord for the Body we need to become the Shulammite, one who is qualified to work with the Beloved (see Song of Songs 6:13; 7:1-13). In other words, for us to work with […]
becoming the same as Christ to be qualified to work with Him for His Body
keeping the oneness of the Body and being made Christ to be the Body of Christ
All the genuine believers of Christ who have received Christ in their spirit are members of the Body of Christ, joined together with Christ in an organic union. The Body of Christ is not an organization nor is it a society; it is the organism of the Triune God produced by the mingling of God […]
by repenting and believing we can enter the kingdom of God to be God-men, God’s species
God became flesh – God became man – to enter into our race, our species, and now man becomes God in His life and nature (but not in His divine Godhead) to enter into the divine species. Man was created in the image and likeness of God with a spirit to receive God, but unless man makes a conscious decision under the divine light to receive the life of God, man is still man, part of the human kingdom. We are not “born Christian” by human birth but by our opening to the Lord to receive Him in our heat as Lord and Savior, even as our life. [read more online]