As a new creation in Christ Jesus, we need to serve in newness of spirit, not in oldness of law and letter; newness of spirit refers to our regenerated spirit, for in spirit we have Christ and in spirit, we can contact God, who is new. On one hand, we need to live in newness […]
We Serve in Newness of Spirit by Exercising our Spirit to Contact the Lord and Live in Spirit
We Walk in Newness of Life by Living in the Realm of Resurrection and Reigning in Life

As believers in Christ, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, and we need to walk in newness of life; God is making all things new by adding His element to us to make us as new as He is, even to become the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we […]
Christ is the Son of Man, the Second Man, and the Last Adam to Fulfill God’s Purpose

God’s intention in creating man is to gain a corporate man to express Him and represent Him; Christ as the Son of Man, the second Man, and the last Adam fulfills God’s intention in creating man. Hallelujah! This week we come to a further topic on how the church as the one new man fulfills […]
Being Brought on to Maturity by Being Brought into the Word of Righteousness

In the book of Hebrews we see how Paul is burdened to bring the Hebrew believers out of the initial stage of salvation and on to maturity (see Heb. 5:11-6:5). The Hebrew believers were in a “kindergarten stage” in their growth in life, focusing mainly on the Lord’s earthly ministry, and they needed to be […]
Knowing Others Not According to the Flesh but According to the Spirit

The ambassadors of Christ are those who don’t live by their human life but by the divine immortal life in their spirit, and they have the ambition to please God by living to Him and no longer to themselves. Another qualification of an ambassador of Christ is that he no longer knows people according to […]
practical ways to live in the divine history within the human history

This week we are going deeper into the matter of living in the divine history within the human history by getting into the matter of, The Universal History according to God’s Economy — the Divine History within the Human History. Today in particular I was impressed with some simple yet practical ways of living in […]
In His ascension in His heavenly ministry Christ constitutes the new creation for the New Jerusalem!
God’s original intention was not just to have the creation of the universe and the creation of man – He was looking for something more. This is why He put man in front of the tree of life – God does not just want MAN, but He wants man to receive Him as life, be filled with Him as life, and live Him out as his life! But God had to wait for at least 2000 years until He could enter man – the old creation, of which Adam was the head, was without God until the Lord Jesus came! Actually, the old creation is OLD because God, who is NEW, is not in it! When we are born as human beings, no matter how good or spiritual our parents or our family is, we are born in the old creation, without having the divine life and nature. We can receive the divine life and the divine nature ONLY by believing into the Lord Jesus Christ and thus being regenerated by the Spirit! This is the way to become “a new creation” – no longer just the old creation but a new creation that has God in it! The new creation is actually the old creation transformed by the divine life, by the processed Triune God! Hallelujah, as believers we have God in us – and we are a new creation! 2 Cor. 5:17 clearly says this,