The Bible is a Divine Romance, a Record of God Courting His People and Marrying them

The Bible is a book of love – the entire Bible is a divine romance, for it is a record of how God is courting His chosen people whom He eventually marries. Our eyes are blessed to read such a fact and our ears are blessed to hear this, for many in the Old Testament […]

The Judging and Renewing Spirit Washes away all Negative things for God’s Building

In working to build up the church we need to take heed what materials we use; if we use wood, grass, stubble (works coming out of our natural man, our flesh, or our self) we will mar the temple of God and not build it, and this is not pleasing to God (we may even […]

Experiencing the Washing of the Life-giving Spirit from any Earthly Defilement

In order for us to really appreciate and be able to enter into the reality of the laver of bronze, we first need to see its significance. Not many Bible expositors have spoken concerning how can we experience Christ as the Spirit, the reality of the bronze laver, but this item in the tabernacle is […]

Christ Died for the Church to Sanctify her and Present her to Himself Glorious

In order for the church to display the multifarious wisdom of God to the enemy and to the whole universe, Christ Himself became wisdom from God to us as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. We were sinners, lost and even dead in sin, but Christ came and died for us to redeem us and bring us […]

Letting Christ Live in us (our Wedding Garment) and Shining out Christ (our Beauty)

The many characteristics and aspects of the New Jerusalem need to be our enjoyment and experience today, and in the church life we need to have a foretaste of the New Jerusalem. Every genuine believer in Christ is a miniature of the New Jerusalem, and every local church is a “little New Jerusalem”. In Revelation […]

we are becoming the house of His beauty by receiving His daily dispensing in His Word

How wonderful – God is beautified in His church, and the church is the house of His beauty! By putting Himself into us as the Spirit and the word, Christ becomes our beauty, brightness, and splendor! When we get into the Word of God, as Eph 5:26-27 says, we are being washed, cleansed, purified, and […]

Christ is the sure mercies shown to David and also the covenant; He is the covenanted mercies!

In His economy, God desires to be the fountain of living waters for His people to drink and be filled with! He is the source, the fountain, of the water of life – and He calls us all to come and drink! So wonderful! As the living waters, Christ is also the sure mercies shown to […]