We are being washed by the water in the word of God so that Christ as the life-giving Spirit would dispositionally sanctify us and make us His glorious, spotless, blameless bride. Amen! The holding line in the carrying out of God’s eternal economy in relation to man is the divine sanctification. God is holy; He […]
Being Dispositionally Sanctified by the Washing of the Water in the Word of God
We need the Washing by the Holy Spirit, the Living Word, and the Inner Law of Life

In our experience, the defilement of the feet that need to be washed by the Lord signifies our separation from God and from one another through contact with the world; through foot-washing, we recover our spiritual freshness and vitality and we recover our fellowship with the Lord and with one another. John 13, a […]
The Redeeming Christ as the Reality of the Red Heifer Cleanses us from Impurity

One of the types of Christ uniquely revealed in the book of Numbers is the red heifer, which is the principal component of the water for impurity, and which signifies the redeeming Christ. The type of the red heifer is not much talked about, but it refers to the redeeming Christ who, based on the […]
Seeing how the Entire Divine Trinity is Revealed in the Type of the Burnt Offering

The entire Divine Trinity is revealed in the type of the burnt offering – Christ the Son is the burnt offering, the tent of meeting, and the offerer; Jehovah as the Receiver and the fire is actually God the Father; and the water washing the inward parts is a type of the Spirit. The entire […]
Daily Experiencing the Washing of Regeneration and the Renewing of the Holy Spirit

The laver of bronze, which was made of the bronze mirrors from the women who served at the entrance of the tabernacle, was an absolutely crucial furnishing for the operation of the tabernacle; before the priests could offer anything on the altar or enter into the tabernacle to minister to God, they had to wash […]
Spiritual Foot-Washing in Love is Necessary for Maintaining a Pleasant Fellowship

The reality of the laver of bronze is the Lord Jesus Christ: He is the One who can wash us from any earthly defilement, and He did wash His disciples feet in John 13. From John 3 to 12 the Lord Jesus presented Himself to the people as the reality of all the offerings: He […]