As believers in Christ, we need to have a walk worthily of the calling with which we were called by God; according to Ephesians 4-5 there are four main items of a walk worthy of God’s calling, ending with being filled in spirit. Amen! The first item of a walk worthy of God’s calling is […]
Live the Christian Life by having a Walk Worthy of God’s Calling in our Daily Living
Knowing God’s Will and Walking Worthily of the Lord to Live Christ by His Empowering

Having the full knowledge of God’s will issues in walking worthily of the Lord as He strengthens us with might for us to live Christ (Col. 1:9-11). We all need to know the will of God – not only His will for our life or His will for our future and what we should do, […]
Being willing to be Spent on behalf of the Saints and Exhort them to Walk Worthily of God

The apostles didn’t impart only the gospel of God to the Thessalonians – they also imparted their own souls; they were not just like a cherishing and nourishing mother but also like an exhorting father for the, so that they would walk worthily of God and be able to enter into the kingdom of God. […]
What does it mean to give the Lord the preeminence, the first place, in everything?
To give the Lord the first place in our life practically means to repent and do the first works. Rev. 2:5 warns us that if we don’t repent and do the first works, the Lord will remove the lampstand. These works issue from our first love for the Lord – they are a work issuing from a heart filled with zeal for the Lord’s love, and this is precious in the Lord’s eyes. We love the Lord so much that we just do the first works – and they come out of our zeal, our love for Him! In that day, when we will stand before God at His judgement seat, He will appreciate how much of what we have done out of love for Him. Only those things we do motivated by our love for the Lord are considered gold, silver, and precious stones. If we don’t do these works, the Lord will take the lampstand! Whatever we do in the church life, we need to love the Lord and do the first works – and we will be a corporate expression of the Triune God everywhere on the earth as the golden lampstands! [continue reading online – 12 ways we can give the Lord the preeminence in our life]