The book of Jeremiah shows us the secret of Israel’s failures and defeats – they lost the Lord’s presence and were no longer one with God; we should always be one with our God, who is not only among us but also in us, making us men with God – God-men! Amen! For us to […]
Not Sinning against God by not being One with Him but Living in the Lord’s Presence
Working Out Our Own Salvation by Building Up Christ in Our Experience Day by Day

Before Noah started to build the ark, he was already walking with God – this means he was already righteous. Why did he need to still build the ark if he was already walking with God? This question also applies to all the genuine believers in Christ: since we are saved, why do we still […]
Walking with God by Faith and Working Together with God to Build Up the Ark Today

Noah was a pattern to us, walking and living by faith in God and working together with God to build the ark as his salvation from the crooked and perverted generation he lived in. As we all know it, faith does not originate from us – it is impossible for us as human beings to […]
Walking with God by Faith to Escape Death and be Pleasing to God in Our Daily Life

No man has ever overcome death – the most powerful thing on this earth (besides God Himself) is death. But in Genesis we see that Enoch walked with God by faith, and he escaped death – he was raptured to God, never seeing death (see Gen. 5:22-24). Enoch obtained the testimony that he was well-pleasing […]
Old Testament saints on the line of life: Abel, Seth, Enosh, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Israel, etc
Throughout the Bible we see these two lines, the line of the tree of life and the line of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There is a line that goes throughout the Bible – the line of life, the line of the tree of life – on which there are many […]