A picture is worth a thousand words, and as we read the New Testament we see how Paul was a pattern to us, the believers; he was a pattern of living and ministering Christ as the Spirit in his spirit for the building up of the Body of Christ. Paul enjoyed and experienced Christ, and […]
Paul was a Pattern of Living and Ministering Christ as the Spirit in his spirit
Christ Keeps us and Brings us into the Full Enjoyment of Himself as the Good Land

After seeing what the Angel of Jehovah does for us as God’s people – from saving us from our sufferings to leading us, caring for us, serving us, executing the new covenant, carrying out God’s economy, executing God’s administration, taking possession of the whole earth, judging Babylon the Great and bringing in the kingdom of […]
The Mystery of the Divine Fellowship of Life – the Divine Life is Flowing in us all the Time!

Ever since we became a believer by receiving the Lord Jesus as our Savior and as our life, we Christians became a mysterious people. Now we’re not just human beings with all that the humanity entails, but we’re also divine beings with all that the divine life brings about! We are mysterious people – we […]
we are now light in the Lord, so therefore let us walk as children of light, bearing the fruit of the light
It is so easy to “miss it” when you come to a verse that you have read so many times, and it is quoted by others so often. This morning I enjoyed these two simple verses in Ephesians 5:8-9, For you were once darkness but are now light in the Lord; walk as children of […]