In order for the divine life to have a free and full flow within us and through us, we need to do the work of digging by prayer; we need to dig away the dirt in our mind, emotion, and will, and we need to do this simply by spending much personal time with the […]
Spending Time with the Lord to do the Digging by Prayer According to His Leading
We Abide in Christ and Christ Abides in us as we Live in and with the Divine Trinity

For us to learn the secret of being in Christ as the empowering One (Phil. 4:12-13) is for us to learn the secret of abiding in Christ; to abide in Christ is for us to dwell in Him so that we may experience and enjoy His abiding in us. Paul learned the secret of being […]
We need to Walk in the Light as Children of Light bearing the Fruit of the Light

As children of God, we need to walk as children of light, live in the light, and have the fruit of the light, which is good in nature, righteous in procedure, and real in expression, so that God may be expressed in our daily walk. As believers in Christ we are children of God, those […]
We should Walk in Love and Light to Grow, be Sanctified, and be Built up in the Body

As children of God, we believers should walk in love and light, having our daily walk constituted both with the loving substance of God and the shining element of God. The more we love the Lord in incorruptibility, the more we as children of God will walk in love and light. Love is the nature […]
Allowing God’s Light to go Deeper in us to Bring in Life and cause Life to Grow

The Bible is the Word of God, and through the function of the word of God we as God’s loving seekers receive God’s blessing. The Bible as the Word of God has a positive function toward us if we come to it with a right attitude and a proper heart. In the days of the Lord […]
How the Word of God is a Realm of Light in our Experience as God’s Loving Seekers

Praise the Lord for the Bible, the word of God! Apart from the word of God in the Bible it is hard for us to know God and the things concerning God. But the word of God reveals to us, in our own language and in black and white, what and who God is, and […]
Coming into God’s Light and Walking in it to have God as Light Shining in our Meeting

The service of the priests was to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people, to take care of the tabernacle with all its furnishings, to light the lamps in the Holy Place, and to burn the incense. Many Bible commentaries on the matter of lighting the lamps tell us that we need to be enlightened […]