As believers in Christ, we can experience and enjoy Christ as the great light shining in the darkness until we shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of our Father! Amen! Christ is the great light shining on those sitting in darkness and rising on those sitting in the region and shadow of death; […]
We can Experience and Enjoy Christ as the Great Light until we Shine like the Sun
Children of Light Walk in the Light to have the Fruit of the Light Expressing God

We believers in Christ were once darkness but are now light in the Lord, and we need to walk as children of light, one with the Lord, having the fruit of the light; we today walk not according to right and wrong but in love and light to express God, our Father. Amen! What a […]
Fight the Good Fight against Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness and Walk in the Light

As believers in Christ, we are fighting the good fight against Satan and his kingdom of darkness by overthrowing reasonings and every high thing rising up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive man’s thought unto the obedience of Christ. On the positive side, we fight the good fight of the faith by […]
Be in the Light and Walk in the Light to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as our Portion

We need to be in the light and walk in the light to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our God-allotted portion today. When we are in the light, live in the light, and walk in the light, we enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as our portion, for He has been allotted to the saints in the […]
God Shines in our Hearts that we may Shine on Others for them to Gain Christ as Treasure

God shines in our hearts so that we may shine on others for them to have the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; we need to spend much intimate, personal, face-to-face time with the Lord to have His shining, and then let Hhine on others. Amen! Our whole […]
Pray-Read the Word of Prophecy in the Scripture to have Light until the Lord’s Return

Peter likens the word of prophecy in the Scripture to a lamp shining in a dark place; the opening of the Lord’s word gives light, imparts understanding, and leads us on the Christian pathway until the morning star rises in our hearts. We as believers in Christ need to give heed to the prophetic […]
As Living Stars we Trust in God and walk in God’s Light to be Ruled by His Shining

The living stars have great resolutions in heart and great searching of heart; they fear Jehovah and hear the voice of His servant, walking in God’s light, and they rule by their shining for the growth in life. Christ is the Morning Star and the Living Star; He came to shine in this word, and […]