As believers in Christ, we need to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus in our daily life and our service in the church (Col. 3:17). In everything we do and in all our service to the Lord, we need to do all things in the name of Jesus so that God […]
Do Everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus in our Daily Life and Service in the Church
We Serve in Newness of Spirit by Exercising our Spirit to Contact the Lord and Live in Spirit

As a new creation in Christ Jesus, we need to serve in newness of spirit, not in oldness of law and letter; newness of spirit refers to our regenerated spirit, for in spirit we have Christ and in spirit, we can contact God, who is new. On one hand, we need to live in newness […]
We Walk in Newness of Life by Living in the Realm of Resurrection and Reigning in Life

As believers in Christ, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, and we need to walk in newness of life; God is making all things new by adding His element to us to make us as new as He is, even to become the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we […]
We’re Renewed by the Cross, the Holy Spirit, our Mingled Spirit and the Word of God

Our need today is to be those who are being renewed day by day with the fresh supply of the resurrection life to replace our culture and to become the one new man in reality by becoming as new as the New Jerusalem! Amen! Our God is forever new; there’s no oldness in Him, and […]
A Priest is a Person who Serves in Newness of Spirit and Ministers to the Lord

This week we have been both enjoying and prayerfully studying the definition of a priest: what is a priest according to the Bible, and how can we be priests to God today. Christ Himself is the High Priest, and the way for us to be priests is to have Christ reproduced in us. A priest, […]
Having a Daily Life of Eating and Drinking Christ as a Memorial in the New Jerusalem

It is so encouraging to know that we are becoming the NEW Jerusalem! Today we are in the process of being renewed day by day by having God’s element being wrought into us, and we will be so new that we will be called New Jerusalem (Rev. 22:1-2). In our natural man there’s nothing new, […]
As Resurrected People, We Now Live the Church Life Through Death and Resurrection

The living of Noah and his family after they came out of the ark was a seed of the church life. The first thing that Noah did was to set up an altar and to offer sacrifices to God (see Gen. 8:20). The first thing we do when we come into the church life is […]