As we enjoy God as our portion, we need to put our hope in Him, we need to wait on the Lord, and we need to call on His name; the Lord is good to those who wait on Him. Praise the Lord, God is our portion, and there’s nothing on earth or in heaven […]
Learning to Wait on the Lord, Take Him as our Portion, Seek Him, and Call unto Him
Loving God, Stopping ourselves, and Waiting on Him to Cooperate with God in Serving Him

After reading the story of David desiring to build God a house in 2 Sam. 7 we realize that God doesn’t want our initiation but only our cooperation; He wants us to cooperate with Him. God doesn’t need us to do anything for Him – He simply wants us to stop our opinions and ideas […]
God needs Man to Exercise his Spirit and his Will to Pray according to God’s Will

Our service to God as priests is by prayer, and this prayer needs to be according to His heart and will; to have such a prayer, we need to allow the Spirit to mingle our desires with His desires, lead our thoughts into His thoughts, and imprint His desires and thoughts into us so that […]
A Man of Prayer Waits Constantly Before God and Intercedes for What’s on His Heart
![When Sarah (who was 90 years old) heard that God promised Abraham that she would have a son, she laughed. Humanly it is impossible for someone that old to still conceive. [In the picture: Is anything too hard for God?]](
In Gen. 18 we see how God came to visit His friend Abraham in a human form, and He spent some time with him to eat together and converse together. Abraham was one who was dealt with by the Lord and he learned the lesson of not being hasty to ask God for things or […]
Doing God’s Work by His Power (not our power) and For His Glory (not our glory)
![Doing God's Work by His Power (not our power) and For His Glory (not our glory) [picture: Mt. Whitney, in Montana, USA]](
In working for God and in doing anything for God’s interest on earth we need to allow God to be the initiator, we need to work by His power, and all the glory needs to be His. Even when God initiates something and we join in to work together with Him, our work and the […]
the old creation and the new creation as revealed in the Bible and in the book of Isaiah
The book of Isaiah is like a miniature of the entire Bible: it has 66 chapters (just as the Bible has 66 books), the first 39 chapters talk mainly about the old creation (and they correspond to the Old Testament, which has 39 books), the last 27 chapters talk about the new creation (corresponding to […]
we are daily learning to stop ourselves by waiting on the Lord and taking Him as our life and person

In the Old Testament there was a good king among the kings of Judah – king Hezekiah. When he started reigning, he put away all the idols, broke down their altars, purified the people, re-instituted the Passover, and brought the people of Judah and of Israel back to God, back to the worship of God. […]