As believers in Christ living in the last days of this age, we are eagerly waiting for the Lord’s return, and we give heed to the prophetic word as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the morning star rises in our hearts. We are in a dark age today, and the […]
Give Heed to the Prophetic Word as to a Lamp Shining in a Dark Place until the Day Dawns
If we’re Serious about awaiting the Lord’s Coming, we need to Grow in Life unto Maturity

It is a great help for us as believers in Christ to realize that, if we’re serious about waiting for the Lord’s coming back, we need to grow in life unto maturity, for He’s the real Farmer waiting with patience our maturity in life as the firstfruits and the harvest of the field. Amen, […]
Not Loving the World nor the Things in the World but Loving God and Living in Spirit

For us to prepare ourselves for the Lord’s return, we should not love the world or the things in the world, for if anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him; the world is an evil system arranged by Satan to distract us from Christ, but in Christ, we have […]
Earnestly Await the Lord’s Return and Live a Normal Life Loving the Lord’s Appearing

Since we love the Lord, we should earnestly wait for His coming; we need to be those loving the Lord’s appearing, those not fashioned according to this age but rather, having our hope and future in the Lord, and living to Him by living a normal Christian life on earth according to His standard to […]