Dear saints, let us pray that the full-time teams laboring on the college campuses would be blended together in one accord, which is the master key to every blessing in the New Testament (Acts 1:14; 2:46-47; Lev. 2:4). The way to be blended is by much and thorough prayer, as fine flour of the wheat, […]
Let’s pray for the full-time teams laboring on the college campuses (2)
Let us pray for the saints to have an interest in people that they may sow the seed of Christ into them

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would have an interest in people, love people, like to talk to people, and rise up to contact people, always grasping the opportunity to sow the seed of Christ into them (John 4:9-11, 13-14; Acts 8:29-35). Whenever you contact people, always grasp the opportunity to say something […]
In our Spiritual Experience Mount Moriah Becomes Mount Zion, the Reality of the Body

The God of Abraham is our God, and Abraham’s experience of God needs to become our experience of God also. One of the deepest and highest experiences Abraham had of God was at Mount Moriah, where God instructed him to go and bring his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering to Him. God tested Abraham […]
the importance of our time with the Lord, being vital, and being in the gospel(university training)
During the training the Lord touched me with the matters of our personal time with the Lord, vitality, and the gospel. First, I was touched by the matter of morning revival – our need to have time in the morning to be refreshed and renewed (Mark 1:35, Gen. 19:27, Phil. 3:13-14). Just like a spiritual breakfast, we can […]
experiencing Christ in the church life (short testimonies from some Christian Students in London)
This past university year we have enjoyed the Lord and experienced Him – whether in failures, defeats, or successes, we all learned to turn to Him and rely on Him, and we also learned how much we need the saints in the church life! Recently we had a “celebration meeting” where the students were overflowing […]