As those who have seen a vision of God’s eternal economy and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ, we are commissioned to bring others into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ today. Our vision of Christ, our enjoyment and experience of Christ, and our being converted from anything other than Christ to Him, will commission us […]
We’re Commissioned to bring others into the Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ
What shall I do, Lord? “To Open their Eyes, to Turn them from Darkness to Light”

At the time of his conversion, Paul asked two very important questions, and all genuine believers should be honest with the Lord and ask Him these questions also: “Who are You, Lord?” and “What shall I do, Lord?” (Acts 22:8, 10). When we ask the Lord, Who are You, Lord? we are open to Him […]
Being a Witness of Christ in the Things He Appears to us and Knowing God’s Will

The Apostle Paul’s living as recorded in the New Testament is a very good pattern for us. He was called and commissioned by God to testify of the things in which the Lord Jesus appeared to him and will appear to him. In other words, there were many things revealed to Paul by God, and […]
Seeing a Clear Vision of the Living Person of Christ, the Wonderful Corporate “Me”

In order to complete the word of God in our experience, we need to have a clear vision of what and who Christ is. It is God’s delight and pleasure to reveal His Son in us (Gal. 1:15-16). No matter how low we are, how far away from God we are, or even how good […]
Experiencing Christ for the Church to Complete the Word of God in our Experience

Paul completed the word of God through his writings in his 14 Epistles, especially in the four epistles of Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Galatians (also called, the heart of the Bible). He was open to the Lord to receive a further revelation concerning the great mystery, Christ and the church. In his writings we see […]
The Ministry in the Lord’s Recovery today is the Completing Ministry of Paul

In the New Testament there is such a thing as, “the ministry”, which is unique and at the same time it is corporate, and this ministry has as result the building up of the Body of Christ. Paul realized that God had mercy on him and put him into the ministry, and he speaks of […]