In 2 Tim. 2:20-21 Paul speaks of honorable and disohonorable vessels; we believers in Christ need to cleanse ourselves from unrighteousness and any dishonorable vessel and we need to simply be living vessels open to the Lord for what He wants to do in us today. Amen! This week we come to a new topic […]
Cleanse Ourselves from Unrighteousness and being Living Vessels Open to the Lord
God Created Man as a Vessel to Contain God as Life for the Fulfillment of His Purpose

In order to fulfil His purpose, God created man as a vessel to contain Him as life; God chose us that we may be vessels of honour filled with the Triune God, He makes known His glory upon us that we may be vessels of glory, and by His mercy, we’re vessels of mercy. […]
Christ is the Treasure in our Earthen Vessel: we’re Vessels of Mercy unto Glory!

As believers in Christ, we were created to be vessels of mercy unto honor to contain Christ as the God of glory; in our earthen vessel we have a priceless treasure, Christ Himself, and we’re being transformed into His image from glory to glory. Hallelujah! On one hand we need to realize God’s sovereignty and […]
We Worship God for His Sovereign Mercy, for He made us Vessels of Mercy unto Honor

In His sovereignty, God the Father has had mercy on us and made us vessels of mercy unto honor and glory; we must praise and worship God for His sovereign mercy and trust not in ourselves but in His mercy. According to Gen. 1:26, God created us in His image and according to His likeness […]
Seeing that Everything Depends on God’s Mercy and being the Open Vessels of Mercy

Everything depends on God’s mercy; it’s all because of His mercy, not because of our seeking, pursuit, or intelligence, but because of His great mercy toward us. God has sovereignly created us in His image and according to His likeness for us to be His vessels, His containers, so that we may contain Him according […]
God’s Mercy Reached us and made us Vessels of Mercy: Everything Depends on His Mercy

It is all because of His mercy; in His sovereignty, God as our Potter has the authority to make the ones whom He has selected and called to be vessels of mercy unto honor and glory. It is not because of our seeking, our zeal, our being better than others, or our background or ability […]
As God-shaped Containers we’re Open Vessels Emptying ourselves to be Filled with God

The basic teaching of the whole Scripture is that God is the content and we are made as vessels, containers (even God-shaped containers!), to receive God, be filled with God, and be vessels unto honor; not being filled with God is vanity of vanities, making us a senseless contradiction. On one hand, we need to […]