God is sovereign, and God sovereignly created us to be His containers, vessels of mercy unto honor and glory, according to His predestination; He is making known the riches of His glory upon us, the vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory. Amen! We all need to see a vision of God’s […]
God Sovereignly Created us to be Vessels of Mercy and Honor Prepared unto Glory
God Created Man as a Vessel to Contain God as Life for the Fulfillment of His Purpose

In order to fulfil His purpose, God created man as a vessel to contain Him as life; God chose us that we may be vessels of honour filled with the Triune God, He makes known His glory upon us that we may be vessels of glory, and by His mercy, we’re vessels of mercy. […]
The Patterns of the Flock are Vessels of Christ and Men of Prayer Serving the Saints

We need to shepherd the flock of God by being patterns of the flock, that is, by following the pattern of those who are before us and by being a pattern to others in our living. The apostle Paul, as a pattern to all the believers the members of the Body of Christ, lived Christ […]
In God’s Sovereignty He Created us as Vessels of Mercy to Contain Him for His Glory

This week in our special fellowship concerning the world situation and the Lord’s move we come to God’s sovereignty, the divine history within the human history, and the world situation and God’s move to spread His recovery. We need to see God’s sovereignty; all the events of the world history have been sovereignly arranged by […]
Man is a Vessel to Receive God by Eating, Drinking, and Breathing in God

The central vision of Paul’s completing ministry is God in us as our contents, Christ as the mystery of God, and the church as the mystery of Christ. First of all, we need to see that God made us as vessels to contain Him, and He wants to be our content. It is only in […]
vanity of vanity, all is vanity and chasing after the wind if we’re not filled with God as our content!
When you pray over the Word of God, the light shines! The Bible clearly says that, All Scripture is God-breathed… (2 Tim. 3:16)- and this means that every word in the Bible is the breath of God which can become life to us when we take it in by means of all prayer and petition […]
the spirit is in the soul, the soul in the body, and the body is in time(college age conference sharing)
Praise the Lord for this past College Age Conference – it really refreshed my love and my consecration towards the Lord Jesus! It reminded me that I am such a thirsty sinner just like the Samaritan woman when she came to draw water from the well (John 4). We keep on drinking the worldly water […]