Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would learn to know the different kinds of people, just as fishermen know the categories of fish, so that they will know what kind of “bait” they need to attract people to Christ (John 3:1-6; 4:5-7, 9-10, 14-15). To properly classify people, we must have the right […]
Let us pray for the saints to learn to know the different kinds of people in order to reach them
No longer Walk in the Vanity of our Mind but Live the Life of the New Man: Reality is in Jesus

Human life under the sun is vanity, but we as believers should no longer walk in the vanity of the mind but live the life of the new man as the reality is in Jesus. Hallelujah, reality is in Jesus, and we have Jesus living in us to be our reality! We human beings are […]
Everything in the Old Creation under the Sun is Vanity of Vanities, only Christ is Reality

The theme of the book of Ecclesiastes is vanity of vanities; human history, from its beginning to the present, is vanity and not reality, but when we have God, He in us is our reality and satisfaction. This week we come to the last crystal in our crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, and we […]
Not Committing the Evils of Forsaking God as the Source and having Idols as His replacement

May we not commit the evils of forsaking God as our source and having idols as His replacement! Israel should have drunk of God as the fountain of living waters to be His increase as His expression, but instead they committed two evils: they forsook God as their fountain and they turned to another source, […]
The Unique Blessing is the Triune God being Dispensed in His Divine Trinity into us

This week in our deeper study of Numbers we come Num. 6:22-27, The Eternal Blessing of the Triune God, and today we want to see that the unique blessing in the universe is God Himself, and this blessing comes to us through the dispensing of the Divine Being into us in His Divine Trinity. In […]
The Triune God is Reality and the Spirit of Reality is the Reality of the Triune God

In the whole universe only the Triune God is reality, and the Spirit of reality is the reality of all that the Triune God is and has, for the Spirit is the reality. This week we start a new series based on the 2018 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference on the topic of, The Reality of the […]
God is our Inheritance and Possession, and He is our real Dwelling Place and Home

God is man’s real possession, inheritance, cup, and dwelling place, but through the fall man lost God; therefore, there’s the need of the sounding of jubilee for man to return to God as his possession. Christ is our jubilee, and when we have Him, we have real peace, joy, and freedom. But if we don’t […]