God desires to execute His government in the universe through the church; the divine government among God’s people is not democracy or autocracy but theocracy, God Himself ruling and reigning through some agents. This is how God ordained things, and even if we don’t agree with the way God runs things, we cannot but say […]
God’s Government in the Church is a Theocracy by the Bible and by the Holy Spirit
Requirements we must Fulfill for us as the Church to be the Breastplate of Judgment

The central item of the garments of the priest was the breastplate, which was like a heavenly, divine, and spiritual typewriter, since it was through it that God spoke to His people; today we need to experience the spiritual reality of the breastplate in the church life and we even need to be the breastplate. […]
The Breastplate of Judgment with the Urim and the Thummim give us God’s Leading

After the Urim and the Thummim were put into the breastplate, it became not only a memorial (like the two shoulder pieces) but also a breastplate of judgment (see Exo. 28:30). This is very significant, and today we want to see what does it mean to have the Urim and the Thummim, and how can […]
The Breastplate is Central Point of the Priesthood: God’s Leading is in the Church

This week in our crystallization-study of Exodus we come to the matter of the breastplate – the central and ultimate point of the priesthood. In Exodus 28, when the priesthood is introduced, there’s a great emphasis on the garments the priest wore; these garments signify our living as priests to God – our living must […]
God’s Leading is in the Mingled Spirit and in the Church as we Judge what He Judges

As believers in Christ we are priests to God, and it is both our privilege and our responsibility to spend time with God to be filled and saturated with God, serve God, and enter into God’s presence to receive a fresh message and leading from God. The high priest entered into the Holy of Holies […]
Receiving God’s Leading in the Meetings of the Church as we Exercise our Spirit

The Lord’s desire is to recover the universal priesthood of all His people: He wants that all the believers in Christ would be His priests, those who spend much time with God to be infused and filled with God, and who function as priests of the gospel. But have you ever wondered, what is the […]