As believers in Christ who have seen something of God’s economy and His interest on the earth, we are fighting the good fight for the truth by honouring God’s truth, taking the way of the truth, upholding the absoluteness of the truth, and not compromising the truth in any way. Amen! This week we have […]
Fighting the Good Fight for the Truth: Know, Honor, Uphold, and Speak the Truth
The Church is the Pillar and Base of the Truth concerning Christ and the Church

Praise the Lord, the church is the pillar and base of the truth concerning Christ and the church, the eternal economy of God! The church is the supporting pillar and the holding base of the truth, holding forth and testifying to the truth that only Christ is reality in the universe and the church […]
We Uphold the Truth by Learning the Truth, Experiencing the Truth, and Speaking the Truth

We uphold the truth by learning the truth, experiencing the truth, and speaking the truth. All the saints need to uphold the truth, for the entire church is the supporting pillar and the holding base of the truth; we all need to know the truth, experience the truth, and speak the truth. For this to […]
Our Greatest Need is to Get into the Truth and be Trained in the Divine Revelation

Our greatest need today is to get into the truth and be trained in the divine revelation so that we may be constituted with the truth. We thank the Lord for the Bible, the Word of God, which contains the divine truth; however, we need to see that we need to uphold the truth by […]