When we see the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, we drop all other things for Him; we gain Christ by suffering the loss of all things that were once a gain for us and by counting them as refuse. If we were to get into the depths of Paul’s thought in Phil. 3:7-8, where […]
As we Suffer the Loss of all things on account of Christ, we Gain Christ and Enjoy Him
As Levites we Handle Christ and as Priests we Minister Him with His Riches to Others

As believers in Christ we are priests to God and our full-time job is to handle Christ (as the priests handled the items of the tabernacle) and the church, and to minister Christ in all His rich aspects to people. The book of Numbers is a book of service, and this service is a holy […]
Fighting as a Corporate Warrior for God’s People to enjoy the All-inclusive Christ

The church is a corporate warrior fighting for all of God’s people to enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive good land. The good land of Canaan has two aspects: on one hand it is a type of the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches for us to enjoy, and on the other, it signifies the aerial […]
Having an Enlarged Experience of Christ in all His Riches for the Temple Church Life

We need to go on with the Lord from the tabernacle church life to the temple church life, and for this we need to go on from the wilderness to the good land where we have the all-inclusive Christ as our everything for the building up of the solid temple of God. It is good […]