In order for us to recover and preserve the genuine, all-inclusive oneness, we must destroy the high places, anything that is of division and that rises up to replace Christ in our personal life or in the church life. This phrase, the high places, is mentioned again and again in 1 and 2 Kings; […]
To Preserve the Oneness, we must Destroy the High Places, Anything Exalted above Christ
Being Saved from Apostasy, from Doing things for the Self under the Cloak of Worshipping God

One of the most striking things in 1 and 2 Kings is the sins of Jeroboam, or the apostasy of Jeroboam, which can be considered a type of today’s Christianity; we need to be saved from any kind of apostasy, anything that causes us to leave the way of God and do things for […]
Being Controlled by the Word of God, we Worship God by Eating and Rejoicing before Him

We need to be instructed, governed, ruled, and controlled by the word of God, and we need to learn to enjoy the Lord with the saints in God’s presence in the unique place of His choice, which is our worship to Him. In Deuteronomy we see God’s work spoken through Moses, and in particular we […]
For the Preservation of the all-inclusive Oneness we must Destroy all the High Places

For the recovery and preservation of the genuine, all-inclusive oneness, we must destroy the high places and stay away from division and divisive things. We have seen that God hates division and apostasy or heresy; division tears down the corporate expression of Christ (the Body of Christ) while apostasy or heresy damages the person of […]
Utterly Destroying all Idols and Exalting Christ to be the Church with Christ as All

In order for us to be the overcomers of today, we must maintain the ground of oneness, God’s unique choice, elevating Christ and Christ alone so that we may be the church with Christ as all. We need to tear down anything that replaces Christ and that rises against Him. This is similar to what […]
The Proper Ground of Oneness is the Unique Ground of One Church for one Locality

The unique ground of God’s choice is the proper ground of oneness of His people; in the Old Testament this ground was Jerusalem with Mount Zion where the temple was built, and in the New Testament it is the ground of oneness – the one universal church being expressed in many localities standing on the […]
Enjoying Christ at the Unique Place of God’s Choice for the Keeping of the Oneness

In Deut. 12 we see that the enjoyment of Christ with God has to be at the unique place of God’s choice for the keeping of the oneness of God’s people. This week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to the topic of, Enjoying Christ with God on the Ground of Oneness. In Deut. […]