Thank the Lord for the sense of life in our spirit making us know whether we are living in the natural life or in the divine life, in the flesh or in the spirit! As we follow the sense of life, we live in a calm, steady, unhurried way, living an ordinary life in the […]
To Follow the Sense of Life we live a Daily life in Peace in the Divine Dispensing
We Live Christ for His Magnification by the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ

As believers in Christ, we live in the Divine Trinity by living Christ for His magnification by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; we need to live Christ and magnify Christ by this bountiful supply day by day. Amen! Before we can live Christ for His magnification, however, we need the […]
Experiencing the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity to Practice the Church Life

After seeing a laser light exposure of the matter of the subduing of the soul for the release of the spirit so that we may have a proper church life, we now come to more practical matters related to our practicing of the church life. The church life is not for us to practice in […]
Be Satisfied with Normal Days under the Divine Dispensing for God’s image and Dominion

God’s original intention in creating man in His image and according to His likeness will be fulfilled in the millennium with the overcomers and ultimately in the New Jerusalem with all of God’s people who would have been transformed, renewed, and fully glorified to express God and represent Him corporately. Right now, we are in […]
God as Light Shines through the Redeeming Christ as the Lamp to Dispense God into us

The light of the New Jerusalem is God Himself in the Lamb as the lamp. There’s no need for sun or moon or any other natural or man-made luminaries in the New Jerusalem, because God Himself in Christ is the light of the city. If we were to come to God Himself, He dwells in […]
Enjoying and Experiencing Christ as the Lamb-Stone-Savior with Seven Eyes
![Zech. 3:9 For here is the stone that I have set before Joshua—upon one stone are seven eyes. I will engrave its engraving, declares Jehovah of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. [NASB version in the picture]](
In Zech. 3:9 we see that Christ is the stone with seven eyes, engraved by God, for God’s building (the temple of God). The stone which was set before Joshua is not merely a type of Zerubabel (the leader of the Jews then) but a type of Christ, the stone for God’s building. In the […]
A Life that Can Carry Out the Work of the Ministry to Build up the Body of Christ
![A Life that Can Carry Out the Work of the Ministry to Build up the Body of Christ [picture: Eph. 4:32, Forgiving One Another]](
In the first part of chapter 4 of Ephesians we see the organic reality and the intrinsic things related to the work of the ministry (which is the building up of the Body of Christ) and in the second part of the chapter we see a picture of a life that can carry out this […]