If we know God’s sovereignty, we will thank Him for His mercy, realizing that we are under His sovereign mercy today; when we see God’s sovereignty, we will worship Him for His sovereign mercy and we will give ourselves to Him to fulfill our responsibility today. We see that God is sovereign and that all […]
If we See God’s Sovereign Mercy we will Worship Him and Fulfill our Responsibility
Being Matured in Life by having our Capacity Enlarged to be Filled with God’s Life

We need to be matured in life by having our capacity enlarged to be filled with God’s life. Maturity is a matter of the enlargement of capacity; God sovereignly uses persons, things, and events to empty us of everything that has filled us and to take away every preoccupation so that we may have […]
Under God’s Sovereignty, He Arranges Situations and People to Expose and Terminate the Flesh

We can only worship God for His sovereignty, for under God’s sovereignty He arranges the people and situations around us to test us and be a cross to us to terminate our flesh; may we know God’s authority and fear Him, not daring to overthrow the divine order arranged by God. We see this […]
Living under the Rulership of the Spirit within and Recognizing God’s Sovereignty

In Joseph we see a person who accepted everything from God’s hand, one who did not blame or accuse others but lived a life under the rulership of the Spirit. He had feelings and emotions, but he kept them in check, and he didn’t express his excitement or his sorrow. The rulership of the Spirit is […]
Everything that Happens to us is Under God’s Sovereignty for our Transformation

In Abraham we see God’s justification, in Isaac we see God’s grace, and in Jacob we see transformation. Abraham lived in fellowship with God and was justified by God, Isaac enjoyed God’s grace throughout his life, and Jacob lived a life under God’s transforming hand for God’s building. God gave Jacob a dream at Bethel, […]