For us to have God’s leading, we need to live and walk by the mingled spirit, judging all that the Lord exposes, and we need to have the building up of the Body, for it is in the Body that we can know God’s will and we can be clear about our situation and […]
Walk by the Spirit and have the Building with God’s Shining to have God’s Leading
Human Culture is a Frustration to Experiencing Christ and it Opposes God’s Kingdom

We need to realize that the whole of the human culture opposes God, and culture is a frustration to God’s purpose concerning Christ and the church, for culture frustrates us from experiencing Christ, growing in life, and arriving at a full-grown man. From its very beginning to its development until today throughout the ages, culture […]
Spending Time with the Lord to do the Digging by Prayer According to His Leading

In order for the divine life to have a free and full flow within us and through us, we need to do the work of digging by prayer; we need to dig away the dirt in our mind, emotion, and will, and we need to do this simply by spending much personal time with the […]
God Himself Operates in us Through His Living Word as we Walk in the Divine Light

In the experience of God’s loving seekers, the word of God is a realm of light. If we have the right attitude toward God when we come to His word, that is, if we come to the word of God as His loving seekers, we will enter into the realm of the divine light, which […]
Being Open Vessels to the Lord’s Shining within from our Spirit, the Lamp of Jehovah

Our experience and enjoyment of Christ is for the church, and as we know Christ, pursue Him, enjoy Him, and experience Him we become His corporate expression in the church life. Too many times, however, we don’t enjoy the Lord, we don’t open to Him, and we don’t experience Him, and therefore the church life […]
God in Christ as Light Rules and Generates Life by His Shining; God’s Light Rules!

The Lord Jesus is the light of the world, and when He shines in us and on us, we will no longer walk in darkness but will have the light of life (see John 8:12). When God in Christ shines as the divine light, all darkness is eliminated, all rebellion and disorderliness is removed, and […]
The Shining God is our Unique Light; We have no Need for Natural or Man-Made Light

Because we have the Redeeming and Shining God as the unique light in the New Jerusalem, there is no need for natural or artificial light (see Rev. 22:5). This is true both for eternity and in the church life today. As genuine believers in Christ we have the Triune God as the unique light in […]