In 2 Cor. 5:19-20 Paul speaks of two steps of reconciliation; the first step is to reconcile sinners to God from sin (Christ died for our sins for us to be reconciled to God), and the second step is to reconcile believers living in the natural life to God from the flesh (Christ was made sin […]
Christ was made Sin for us so that We might Become the Righteousness of God in Him
The Screen and the Veil are Related to the Two Aspects of Reconciliation in 2 Cor. 5

This week we have been enjoying the spiritual significance of the two veils in the tabernacle (called the screen and the veil) and how they are related to the two aspects of reconciliation Paul speaks of in 2 Cor. 5. Both the screen (covering the entrance to the Holy Place) and the veil (covering the entrance […]
We need the Ministry of Reconciliation until we are in God and He is in us Absolutely

Not many believers realize that the veil and the screen (the two curtains in the tabernacle in Exodus) are related to the two aspects of reconciliation Paul speaks about in 2 Cor. 5:18-21. Our God is enterable: He has come through incarnation to become a tabernacle, an enterable God, and in His resurrection we all […]
The Spiritual Application of the Veil and the Screen in the Tabernacle in Exo. 26

This week in our time in the morning with the Lord we enjoy the topic of the Veil, the Screen, and the Two Aspects of Reconciliation, based on the portion in Exodus 26 speaking of the two entrances into the tabernacle and their spiritual application. All the items and furnishings in the tabernacle in the […]