In His ascension, Christ is the kingly and divine High Priest interceding for us; He has been constituted our High Priest according to the power of an indestructible life, and He is able to save us to the uttermost. Hallelujah for our Christ who today is our High Priest interceding for us! This week in […]
As our High Priest, Christ is Able to Save us to the Uttermost, the Fullest Extent
The Breastplate of Judgment with the Urim and the Thummim give us God’s Leading

After the Urim and the Thummim were put into the breastplate, it became not only a memorial (like the two shoulder pieces) but also a breastplate of judgment (see Exo. 28:30). This is very significant, and today we want to see what does it mean to have the Urim and the Thummim, and how can […]
Experiencing Christ as the Reality of the Heavenly Ladder Set up in our Spirit

Jacob dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it (see Gen. 28:12). This is a very significant dream, and the Lord Jesus confirmed in John 1:51 that He as the Son of Man is […]
Experiencing Christ’s Death and Resurrection by the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit

The process of becoming a pearl as a gate into the New Jerusalem is very subjective and experiential: as a grain of sand, we wound Christ and are imprisoned in His wound, and He secretes His resurrection life around us and in us to transform us from a grain of sand into a precious pearl. […]
Our Unique and Ultimate Goal is the New Jerusalem, the Mingling of God and Man

The degradation of the church today is mainly due to the fact that many Christian workers – many saints burdened by God and with a certain capacity to serve God – have taken another goal than the New Jerusalem for their Christian work. But God today does only one thing: He is building up the […]
to not lose our inner feeling we need to turn to our spirit! (2011 winter school of truth)
It was great experience for me to be again at the Winter School of the Truth in London, UK. Through the messages I realized that my spirit was so deadened… Brother Tom shared that if we touch a hot object, we can lose our feeling or sense of that part – the skin can become callus. If we keep a continual contact with the world and keep touching it, we can also lose our feeling or sense, just like the people today. So it’s very easy to lose our feeling…. To not lose our sense we have to deny our self and our soul life (old man), and we need to turn to the spirit! [continue reading online – a short sharing from a brother’s top enjoyment in the Winter School of truth]