Switching On the Law of Life to be Sonized for the Building up of the Body of Christ

There is one major difference between how God relates to man and operates in man, and how Satan relates to man; God asks for man’s cooperation, showing him what will happen if he opens to God and receives God, while Satan deceives man, cheats man, and tempts man, so that he may ruin, usurp, and […]

Cooperating with Christ’s Intercession to Defeat God’s Enemies for Christ’s Return

After Abraham defeated the four kings and was on his way back with the spoil and all the people, someone called “Melchizedek” met him and blessed him. This Melchizedek was a priest of God the Most High, and he was the king of Salem; this one brought out bread and wine and blessed Abraham and […]

Being Brought into the Realm of God’s Economy for Christ to be Our Everything

In this universe there’s a throne, the throne of God, and God sits on the throne administrating the whole universe. We need to be in spirit as the apostle John was, and we will see the throne set up in heaven (Rev. 4:2). Don’t believe what you see, and don’t think that man can do […]

dealing with our rebellion and our natural capability through the cross

Becoming a Christian is not an end in itself, rather, it is a beginning of a new life which is not according to our concept or our human disposition. This new life is all about taking care of the living Christ within us by turning to Him, fellowshipping with Him, and doing everything in oneness […]

the solution to all our problems can be found by entering into the sanctuary of God

Psalm 73 speaks of a man who does his best to keep the law and God’s commandments, who is puzzled and almost stumbled when he sees that he is in suffering and pain while the evil men prosper and nothing seems to bother them. While the righteous man is being plagued and persecuted, going through all kinds of not-so-pleasant things, the evil men prosper. Why is it like this? The psalmist found the answer when he entered into the sanctuary of God – there he perceived their end, and he realized that God is his unique portion and reward! We also need to see this by coming into the sanctuary of God – here we have the answer! [read more online]

the secret of the Christian life and the church life is living in the mingled spirit

What is the reality of the church life? The church life is composed of all the believers in Christ who live in their spirit. The reality of the church life is to live in the spirit. In the church life we learn to pay attention not to our mind or emotion but to our spirit. The Christian life, the family life, and the church life – are all a life in our spirit. The divine Spirit as the consummation of the processed Triune God is mingled with our spirit as the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, continually saturating us as we open to Him and allow Him to spread in us… [continue reading online]

the only requirement the Bible has from us is that we live in our mingled spirit

We don’t need to fight or struggle with our disposition or temper, trying to put it down whenever we feel it rises up and makes us do or say things that we shouldn’t. No, all we have to do is turn to our spirit and live in our spirit. The only way we can deny our self and we can bear the cross is by living in the spirit. “In the spirit Christ is life to me, / Strengthening and blessing all-inclusively; / Living in the spirit, holiness I prove, / And the triune God within my heart doth move” (Hymns #593, last stanza). [continue reading online a sharing inspired from today’s morning revival]