Because the god of this age actively tries to blind our thoughts so that the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ would not shine on us, we need to drop our concepts and be unveiled, worshipping only the Lord and not anything else, so that we may have the glory of God […]
Drop our Concepts to be Unveiled and See the Illumination of the Gospel of Christ’s Glory
Do all things in the Person of Christ by Beholding and Reflecting Him as our Treasure

To live the Christian life is to do all things in the person of Christ, in the face of Christ, enjoying Him as our indwelling treasure by beholding His glorious face to be infused with Him and be one with Him. Amen! The Christian life is a life of loving God and loving one another […]
God wants our Heart to be Loving with a Fresh Love Toward the Lord and to be at Peace

God wants our heart to be loving and at peace so that His life may grow in us in an unhindered way for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ; we need to renew our heart and love the Lord Jesus by turning our heart back to Him again and again […]
We must Deal with our Heart in the Lord’s Light for Christ to Grow in us unto Maturity

As believers in Christ, we must deal with our heart in the light of the Lord’s presence so that the divine seed of life may grow in us unto maturity, for our heart – our acting agent, our chief representative – is the switch of life, the entrance and exit of life in and […]
Be Unveiled and Open to have the Illumination of the Gospel of the Glory of Christ

According to Heb. 1:3, Christ is the image of God and the effulgence of His glory; therefore, the gospel of Christ is the gospel of the glory of Christ that illuminates and shines forth. Amen! We need to be updated and uplifted in our understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the gospel; the gospel is […]
When we Drop our Concepts and Turn our Heart to the Lord, we see Divine Revelation

God in Christ is shining today, especially through His Word, but the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of people, deceiving them and covering them to not see the light; we need to drop our concepts and turn our heart to the Lord in order to receive the divine revelation, even to […]
Being Daily Renewed and Freshly Transformed to Live a Life of the Altar and the Tent

As those who are being prepared for the Lord’s return, we need to live the life of the altar and the tent by having God’s appearing and consecrating everything to Him, and we need to be renewed daily by having a transformation that is fresh daily to grow in life until we’re matured. Amen! […]