We need to be before the Lord concerning His move on earth; if He leads us in the way of migration, we need to live a life by faith, serving the Lord and trusting in the Lord for our necessity, spreading the high truths to the hungry ones, and receiving the Lord’s supply through […]
Live a Life by faith to Spread the Divine Truths and Trust in the Lord to meet our needs
Seeking to be Rich before the Lord, Rich in God, by Investing in the Heavenly Bank

As believers in Christ, we need to be saved and delivered from mammon, and we need to be rich before the Lord, depositing our money in the heavenly bank and not seeking to be rich on earth. When the Lord was on earth, He didn’t seek to be rich, neither did He encourage His followers […]
As those Hopelessly Weak, we Draw Near to God, Allow Him to do what He Wills, and Trust Him

The Lord wants to manifest His resurrection power in us, but He will wait until we are hopelessly weak, an utter failure, and completely dead, and then He comes in; when we draw near to Him, we need to let Him do what He wills in us, realizing that He will manifest Himself to us […]
Let’s pray for those who are burdened to serve full time to be faithful to the Lord and to trust in Him

Dear saints, let us pray that those who receive the Lord’s burden and commission to serve full time would be faithful to the Lord, taking care of the work that the Lord has committed to them and exercising faith and trusting in Him (2 Cor. 4:13; Prov. 3:5). Whether we serve full time or we […]
To Fear God is to Trust in God by Enjoying the Divine Dispensing to be One with God

For us to fear God is for us to trust in God; we need to trust in God and not rely on our own understanding, for when we trust in Him, we are richly supplied with all that He is and we grow with the riches we enjoy of Him. The matter of fearing God […]
Christ takes All-inclusive, Tender Care of us: He Shepherds us in the Enjoyment of Himself

The Lord as our Shepherd gathers us, His sheep, and brings us back to Himself as our allotted portion of the good land, so that we may enjoy the resurrected and ascended Christ, drink of the Spirit as the flowing river, and enjoy His all-inclusive, tender care. As we enjoy His shepherding, we are brought […]
Learning to Wait on the Lord, Take Him as our Portion, Seek Him, and Call unto Him

As we enjoy God as our portion, we need to put our hope in Him, we need to wait on the Lord, and we need to call on His name; the Lord is good to those who wait on Him. Praise the Lord, God is our portion, and there’s nothing on earth or in heaven […]