In our progressive experience of Christ and our loving pursuit of Him in our Christian life, we hope to be raptured, and we come up from the earthly realm by leaning on our Beloved; we lean on our Beloved Lord Jesus, trusting in Him, relying on Him to take us all the way to the […]
Hoping to be Raptured, we Lean on our Beloved and Trust in His Preserving Power
Exercise our Spirit of Faith to Believe God’s Word and Trust in God’s Keeping Power

As believers in Christ, we need to exercise our spirit of faith and keep our heart turned to the Lord to believe in His promises, to believe that He is with us, and to believe that we are well able to overcome, trusting in God’s keeping power and not having a heart of unbelief […]
Tested and Approved by God to be Entrusted with the Gospel, we Speak to Please God

As those who love God and want to serve Him, we need to be first tested and approved by God and then entrusted by Him with the gospel; then, we should not please men but God, not having flattering speech or a pretext for covetousness but speaking one with the Lord for His glory […]
We need to First of All Pray and have a Proper Prayer Life in the Church Life Today

A prerequisite for having a proper church life today is to have a prayer life, for a proper church is a praying church; we all need to be prayerful, stand against the sin of prayerlessness, and first of all pray. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, A […]
Every aspect of our Environment is under God’s Sovereign Hand as we Pursue Christ

It is amazing to realize that, as believers in Christ who are pursuing Christ today, every aspect of our environment is absolutely under God’s sovereign hand. Wow! This week in our crystallization study of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel we come to week 6, entitled, Spiritual Principles, Life Lessons, and Holy Warning […]
May we Inquire of God, Lord, what is in Your Heart concerning me? I am here for You!

When we replace God’s testimony with our need and when we trust in the systems ordained by God without enquiring of Him first, degradation comes in and problems arise; may we open to the Lord and inquire of God, asking Him to infuse us with a desire for His economy so that we may […]
Our Giving is our Sowing: being a Cheerful Giver who sows Unsparingly, Trusting in God

Our giving is our sowing, and the more we sow, the more we reap, for God loves a cheerful giver; the Christian way of managing money is not to hold on to money but to give, for our giving is our sowing, and when we give, we will reap a harvest. On one hand, […]