We need to see that, as believers in Christ, we are feeders and builders to build up the church as the magnificent house of God. Amen! As believers in Christ who allow the Lord to measure us for the deepening of the flow of life and who enjoy Christ as the flow of life, we […]
As Ministers of Christ we’re Feeders and Builders to Build the Church as God’s House
Taking Christ as our Head and being Transformed for the Church as the Kingdom of God

We need to be those taking Christ as our Head and being transformed into precious stones to be built up in the great and high wall for the church as the kingdom of God today. For us to build a great and high wall around the church for the safeguarding and protection of God’s […]
Eating Christ as the Hidden Manna Transforms us into a White Stone bearing a New Name

It is so encouraging to see the Lord’s promise to the overcomers in the church in Pergamos, who are enjoying Christ as the hidden manna to be transformed into a white stone, approved by God, suitable for God’s building, having a name written on it that only the overcomer and the Lord knows. May we […]
Being Transformed, Inscribed with Christ, and Built up to be Living Letters of Christ

When we are inscribed with Christ in our heart, we become living letters of Christ with Him as the content, and He can shine through us for others to read Christ and see Christ lived out and expressed in us; this is a practical application of the breastplate of judgment. On the breastplate, the high […]
The Stones in the Temple signify Christ and His Transformed Believers as Living Stones

The Lord within us is yearning that He would obtain a solid testimony of the Body of Christ, and for this we need to cooperate with Him to have an enlarged experience of Christ in all His riches so that He may be testified and exhibited through us. The Lord really wants to gain not […]
Individually and Corporately we are a Thornbush Burning with the Triune God as Fire

This week we are having a closer look at the matter of the burning thornbush in Exodus; there is much more than meets the eye concerning the matter of the burning bush in Exo. 3, since even at the end of his life, Moses still recalls God as the One who dwells in the burning […]