In the Old Testament God moved with men and among men to prepare His direct move in man in His new creation for His economy; today God is moving in man in a direct way to fulfil His economy. This week in our morning revival we come to a further and most wonderful crystal in […]
God’s move among and with man was to prepare His direct move in man: God’s move is in man
Enjoying Showers of Blessing and God’s Greatest Blessing: being Transformed and Built

God’s blessing is intrinsically related to oneness, and the Lord brings us in the enjoyment of His blessing, causing us to become a source of blessing under the showers of blessing. The normal life of a Christian is a life of blessing, and the normal work of a Christian is a work of blessing (Num. […]
12 Precious Stones on the Breastplate: We are Being Transformed, Mingled, and Built up

The central and ultimate point of the priesthood, and the central item of the priestly garments was the breastplate of judgement (see Exo. 28:15-30). As priests to God today we need to see what this breastplate signifies and how can it be applied to our Christian life. The breastplate of judgement was made of gold, […]
The Church Life today is the Reality of Bethel, the Fulfillment of Jacob’s Dream

The stone that Jacob put under his head as a pillow and then early in the morning set up as a pillar and poured oil on it – this stone became Bethel, the house of God (see Gen. 28:17, 19, 22). I am still amazed that God met this restless and homeless young man, Jacob, […]
the basis, motive, meaning, purpose, and result of our consecration to God

We can cooperate with Christ in His heavenly ministry today – in the day of His warfare – by having an absolute and thorough consecration to the Lord. Actually, “the fullness of one’s experience of life depends on the fullness of one’s experience of consecration” (W. Lee, Experience of Life). What is consecration? What is […]
we are being transformed and built into a miraculous structure of treasure, the New Jerusalem!
“The New Jerusalem is built by the Triune God, as the divine Architect and Builder, with Himself and His deified people as the material to be a miraculous structure of treasure; He is God in us to make us God in Him (Heb. 11:10; 1 Cor. 3:12; 1 Pet. 2:4-5; Rev. 21:3)” – quote from the […]