We need to Grow in Life and be Transformed to be Living Stones for God’s Building

God’s goal is to have a spiritual house built up with living stones; Christ came to us as the incorruptible seed to grow in us and produce us as living stones for God’s building, and we as believers come to Him as a living stone to become living stones through regeneration and transformation. Amen! The […]

Living Stones are Worked on Outwardly and Living Inwardly to be Suitable for God’s Building

 The stones of the temple signify Christ’s humanity in transformation, the transformed Christ – He’s the One suitable for God’s building! He as the living stone is making us living stones through the inward work of regeneration and outward work of cutting and dealing, just as the stones were cut and dealt with before […]

Our Stone-Savior Transforms us from Clay-men into Living Stones for God’s Building

Praise the Lord, we can come to Christ as our Stone-Savior to be transformed from clay-men into living stones by this stone-man, so that we may be built up into the church as the building of God! The good land is a land of stones, iron, mountains, and copper; these are for God’s building and […]

Drink the Word to Grow and be Transformed to be Living Stones for God’s Building

If we read John 1:42 and Matt. 16:18 we will realise that both Christ and the believers are living stones for God’s building, and that God’s goal is to have a spiritual house built up with living stones. Yes, Christ is the living stone, and we are born as men of clay, but through regeneration, […]