When we truly see a vision of the Lord in His glory, we are enlightened and exposed regarding our uncleanness and we can apply the blood of Christ; the more we see the Lord, the more we abhor ourselves and the more we gain God! The book of Jeremiah exposes what our condition is in […]
When we see God, we are Enlightened and Exposed, we Apply the Blood, and we Gain God
Our Urgent need is to Grow in Life unto Maturity for the Formation of God’s Army

In order for the Lord to gain His army today to fight for His interest and protect His testimony, there’s an urgent need for the growth and maturity, so we need to grow in life unto maturity. In the Lord’s recovery today there’s an urgent need for the growth and maturity required for the formation […]
At the Throne of Grace we Behold God and we’re Transformed into the Image of Christ

When we come to the throne of grace through the blood of Christ, we meet with God, commune with Him, we are infused with Him, we correspond to His heavenly ministry, and we are transformed in His image to be His shining testimony, a miniature of the New Jerusalem today. In the Old Testament God […]
God Created Man in His Image and According to His Likeness for Man to Express God!

On the sixth day of God’s creation and process of restoration He created man in His own image and according to His likeness (see Gen. 1:26). God’s creation of man was more particular than His creation of any other thing: there was a council held in the Three of the Godhead, and the result was […]
we are being transformed and built into a miraculous structure of treasure, the New Jerusalem!
“The New Jerusalem is built by the Triune God, as the divine Architect and Builder, with Himself and His deified people as the material to be a miraculous structure of treasure; He is God in us to make us God in Him (Heb. 11:10; 1 Cor. 3:12; 1 Pet. 2:4-5; Rev. 21:3)” – quote from the […]
The New Jerusalem: God is building Himself into us and we’re built into Him(conference in London)
In the recent conference in London I really enjoyed the twelve points about the New Jerusalem. We need to see that the New Jerusalem is not a literal, physical, lifeless city, but it is a Person. We are becoming the New Jerusalem as the Lord prepares us to be His bride. Hallelujah, God is building […]
The Spirit in our spirit is spreading into our soul and is transforming us from glory to glory!

Recently, I have been enjoying “The way for a Christian to mature in life” by brother Witness Lee and what impressed is that as Christians we are sons marked out for glory who will be transformed into God’s image, that is, we will be transformed from glory to glory. 2 Cor 3:18 says: But we all […]