As believers in Christ, we are God-men who have the divine right to participate in God’s image by being metabolically transformed into the image of Christ and we have the right to participate in God’s glory. Hallelujah! We need to be reminded of our divine rights. We are not only human beings but divine-human […]
We have the Right to Participate in God’s Image and to Participate in God’s Glory
Five Aspects of Gaining Christ that He might Gain us in our Experience of Christ

We want to be those who are gaining Christ that He may gain us in our experience of Christ. As believers in Christ, we gain Christ that He might gain us (Phil. 3:12) in many different aspects; we need to experience Christ day by day so that we may gain Christ and He may […]
We need to Grow and Mature in the Life of Christ until Christ is Formed in us

In order for us to be mature in the divine sonship and be sons of full age, we need to grow unto maturity until Christ is formed in us; Christ is being formed in us and we are conformed to His image little by little, day by day. Hallelujah! Our need today is to […]
We need to be Pure in Heart to See God, be Transformed and be Useful to Him in Service

We need to be pure in heart, having the single goal of accomplishing God’s will for His glory, so that we may see God, that is, gain God and receive God to be constituted with God and be one with God. As those in the process of being purified by the Lord and cooperating […]
As the many Sons of God, we’re being Conformed to the Image of the Firstborn Son of God

Hallelujah, we as the many sons of God are being conformed to the image of the firstborn Son of God, Jesus Christ! The New Testament reveals that Christ as the only begotten Son of God became man, put on human nature, and was begotten by God in His humanity to be the Firstborn Son […]
We’re in the Process of being Deified to become the New Jerusalem Fully Expressing God

As believers in Christ, we are in the process of being deified to become the New Jerusalem, fully expressing God for eternity! There is an amazing thought in the Bible concerning God’s desire to be one with man; His desire is to become man so that man would become God in life and nature but […]
Christ is the Treasure in our Earthen Vessel: we’re Vessels of Mercy unto Glory!

As believers in Christ, we were created to be vessels of mercy unto honor to contain Christ as the God of glory; in our earthen vessel we have a priceless treasure, Christ Himself, and we’re being transformed into His image from glory to glory. Hallelujah! On one hand we need to realize God’s sovereignty and […]