As lovers of the Lord who are in the progressive experience of Christ in the divine romance, we share in the work of the Lord; we work in the Body and for the Body, we work together with the Lord and one with Him, and we give all our love to the Lord in […]
We Share in the Work of the Lord by Working together with Him in and for the Body
Having God built into us and being Built into God to become Pillars in the Triune God

The Lord Jesus promises to make the overcomer in the recovered church a pillar built into the temple of God; this involves the fact that we’re being transformed into pillars in the church, and God is building Himself into us and us into Himself to make us pillars in the Triune God. The overcomers are […]
We are Being Transformed and Built up as Living Stones in God’s Spiritual House

As believers in Christ, we are becoming living stones for the building up of the church, God’s spiritual house on earth today. Christ as the stone-Savior produces living stones for God’s building. We are men of clay; we are born of our parents in the flesh, and we are of dust, men of clay. How […]
Having a Genuine Experience of Christ and Being Transformed for the Church Life

The church life is nothing else but Christ lived out through us in a corporate way, so we need to learn to be inward Christians who are being transformed for the practice of the church life. The church life is a new living, a new society, a new family life – it is the living […]
God’s Ultimate Move is to have Christ Saturating us and Living in us for the Body

God’s ultimate move today is to carry out His economy concerning Christ and the church, and this is by Christ being in us, filling us, flowing in us, saturating and permeating us, and making us fit to be built up into His Body for His expression. We need to see a vision of the world’s ultimate […]
Coming to Bethel (the Church) a Second Time and Having our Name Changed into Israel

Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28 was a dream of God’s goal, the dream of Bethel, the house of God, which is the church today and which will consummate in the New Jerusalem as the eternal dwelling place of God and His redeemed elect. After he saw this wonderful dream, Jacob went through a lot of […]
Transformation Issues in Building up the Church Consummating in the New Jerusalem

The issue of God’s transforming work is the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, consummating in the New Jerusalem. God doesn’t want to transform us so that we may be “shining gems in the universal spiritual museum”; He wants us as His people to be transformed so that we would be built up […]