Christ Speaks for God by Becoming the Anointing Spirit to Transform us for God’s Building

Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His becoming the anointing Spirit for the transformation of God’s redeemed people into stones for the building of God’s house in an organic way today; we need to follow the inner anointing and be under the saturating and moving of the Spirit to be made […]

Taking Christ as our Head and being Transformed for the Church as the Kingdom of God

 We need to be those taking Christ as our Head and being transformed into precious stones to be built up in the great and high wall for the church as the kingdom of God today. For us to build a great and high wall around the church for the safeguarding and protection of God’s […]

Open to the Seven Spirits to Burn us and Infuse us to Transform us for God’s Building

 According to Zechariah, Christ is the seven eyes of the stone, the seven eyes of Jehovah, for God’s building; we need to open to the Lord’s seven eyes shining on us to search us, judge us, purify us, and infuse and transfuse us with Himself to transform us for God’s building. Christ is both […]