It is amazing to realize that the organic building up of the Body of Christ is through the process of spiritual metabolism. In His economy, God works Himself into us so that we may experience a metabolic process of spiritual digestion and assimilation that produces transformation as a gradual and intrinsic metabolic change in […]
The Organic Building up of the Church is through the Process of Spiritual Metabolism
Transformation Issues in Building up the Church Consummating in the New Jerusalem

The issue of God’s transforming work is the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, consummating in the New Jerusalem. God doesn’t want to transform us so that we may be “shining gems in the universal spiritual museum”; He wants us as His people to be transformed so that we would be built up […]
Going Along with the Lord’s Work of Transformation to be Conformed to His Image

After being regenerated by God with His divine life, all the believers in Christ are in the daily process of transformation until they are being conformed to the image of the firstborn Son of God, Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29). This process of transformation is not something outward, like an outward correction or adjustment, but an […]
Struggling with God and Being Transformed by God into Israel, a Prince of God

God selected Jacob and chose him to be His expression as a prince of God, and Jacob went through a long process of transformation and maturity to become one who not only wrestles with God but also is a prince of God, expressing God and representing Him on earth. It is amazing to see in […]
Everything that Happens to us is Under God’s Sovereignty for our Transformation

In Abraham we see God’s justification, in Isaac we see God’s grace, and in Jacob we see transformation. Abraham lived in fellowship with God and was justified by God, Isaac enjoyed God’s grace throughout his life, and Jacob lived a life under God’s transforming hand for God’s building. God gave Jacob a dream at Bethel, […]
Having a Divine View and Understanding of God’s Building Throughout the Bible

In the entire universe today God is doing only one thing: building up His eternal habitation. God’s building is the desire of God’s heart and the goal of His salvation. What please the Lord the most is not that many of his believers would overcome sin or be spiritual individually, but that He would get […]
Today God is Doing only One Thing in this Universe: Building His Eternal Habitation

In this universe today God is doing only one work: He is building His eternal habitation. In the past, God carried out the work of creation (in six days He created the heavens and the earth, see Genesis 1-2) and the work of salvation (in 33.5 years Christ accomplished redemption and brought in salvation, see […]