We need to be those who are loving the Lord with the first love so that we may enjoy Christ and have His present presence today. The way for us to enjoy the Lord is to love Him and to love one another; we need to be flooded with the love of Christ so […]
Loving the Lord with the First Love to Enjoy Christ and have His Present Presence
Come to God as we are and Remain in the Touch with the Lord to Enjoy His Dispensing

We need to come to God as we are and remain in the touch with the Lord through prayer to enjoy His divine dispensing. Romans 8 reveals that the processed Triune God as the law of the Spirit of life gives the divine life to us, the believers in Christ, for our living; this […]
Learn to Exercise our Spirit in Prayer Personally and with the Saints in a Vital Group

As believers in Christ, we want to learn to exercise our spirit in prayer both personally and corporately. The Christian life is a life in the spirit; we need to learn from Job and his friends with their many rounds of debates to not be in our mind when we meet with the saints but […]
Take time to Behold the Lord in the Morning: Don’t Seek a Feeling but simply Touch Him!

We must cooperate with God’s desire by practicing to give Him a free way to spread Himself into every part of our being. (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1963, Vol. 1) How wonderful it is to give our dear Lord the first place in all things! God desires to have the preeminence, but He […]
Being Revived and Mingling our Praying with our Reading to Receive Light!

The night before, I usually pray to the Lord to wake me up in the morning. I don’t usually wake up late, but I still want to ask the Lord to wake me up at specific times in the morning. This is how I started to have a personal time with Him in the morning, […]
I Confess my sins, Pray the Word, Read the Morning Revival, and Share with Someone

To begin with, my goal in having a time with the Lord every morning is to touch the Lord. This is always my focus – I must touch Him, I must enjoy His sweet presence and receive His dispensing into my being. I normally begin with confession of my sins, laying my hands upon Him, […]
The Foundation, Purpose, Principles and Practice of Morning Revival

My Foundation: To know Him the Lord has been my aspiration since my prayer in 1970, “God, if You are real, be real to me.” In the spring of 1973 I was introduced to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee through some faithful brothers. These brothers taught me that the best and most […]