In this online fireside chat, we have brothers Chris Wilde, Rick Acosta and Tom Goetz sit down and share with us about their experiences of Christ, especially in regards to relationships. This time they are not reading the questions as if they are their own, because in many cases the MC brothers are past that […]
Online Fireside Chat 4 – Relationships with Parents, Dating and Courtship, Fellowship regarding Marriage, and Serving while being Married
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, longings, the Christian Life, young adults Tagged With: advice for relationships, care for the Lord's interests, casual dates in the church life, Chris Wilde, fellowship about marriage, finding a wife, fireside chat, millenials resent church, minds poisoned with pornography, online fireside chat, Rick Acosta, serve the Lord with my wife, the struggle of being single, Tom Goetz
Online Fireside Chat 2 – Questions & Responses – being Distracted, our Identity in Christ, Forbearance vs Extreme Suffering, and the Peace from God

In this second online Fireside Chat – the Questions and Responses session with some of the brothers, we hear from brothers Chris Wilde, Peter Welk, and Tom Goetz, who sit down and share with us about their experiences of Christ and our identity in Christ. The fact that the brothers give a response doesn’t mean […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, longings, serving the saints, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the Lord's recovery, young adults Tagged With: Chris Wilde, comparing ourselves with others, fireside chat, how can I meet God's standard?, I don't want to miss the Lord, is it unspiritual to laugh, online fireside chat, Peter Welk, questions and responses, the peace from God, Tom Goetz, UniStudents