God’s desire in both the Old and the New Testament was that His people would speak for Him; Moses expressed God’s desire when he said, Oh that all of God’s people would be prophets (Num. 11:29). However, when we speak of the matter of being a prophet, many today think that to prophesy is to […]
God Desires that All His People would be Prophets, God’s Spokesmen who Speak for God
Prophesying by Speaking forth God’s Word to Fulfill His Desire and Build up the Church

In Ezekiel 37 we see not only our condition when we’re fallen or backslidden (“dry bones”) but also God’s solution: prophesying, that is, the need to prophesy by speaking for the Lord so that the Spirit would come in and enliven us! On the one hand, the many dry, disjointed, very dry, separated bones in […]
the highest expression of our Christian life is prophesying for building up

Have you ever thought what is the highest expression of our Christian life? It is not doing a lot of great works for the Lord or even our living before men – it is our speaking for God, speaking forth God, and speaking God into people. The highest expression of one who represents the King […]
he who prophesies builds up the church as the organic Body of Christ

Our God is a speaking God, and we are the speaking people of the speaking God! When we come together with the saints, our meeting need to be full of speaking Christ to one another! According to 1 Cor. 14:3-4, he who prophesies SPEAKS building up and encouragement and consolation to man! Also, he who […]
oh that all the Lord’s people would prophesy, speaking God for the building up!

The high peak of the God-ordained way to meet and to serve in the church is prophesying for the building up of the Body of Christ. We all need to learn to take the lead not only to enjoy the Lord, love the Lord, and experience life to minister life, but also to prophesy for […]
our God desires to have a speaking people (sharing from the conference in Portugal)
God’s desire: The speaking God desires a speaking people. God created man in His image and His likeness so that man can express Him (“image”) and represent Him (“dominion”) (Gen 1:26) by speaking. I never really saw this aspect of speaking to express God and represent Him. I thought it is enough just to live Christ […]
Our God is a Speaking God, and He desires to speak to us, in us, and through us!
Hallelujah, our God is a speaking God! The reason we speak for Him is because He is speaking in us all the time – and He wants us to cooperate with Him! Our God is not a dumb God – He is always speaking, and the highest & greatest speaking of God in the whole […]