God is working His glory into us and this glory returns to God, for to God is the glory in the church; the consummation of the church is the holy city, New Jerusalem, which has the glory of God. Hallelujah! The Lord Jesus prayed in John 17 for glorification, and the oneness the believers […]
The Glory of God will be Expressed through New Jerusalem: to God be Glory in the Church
Our Spirit and Attitude should be that Christ is Wrought into the Saints for the Church

It is quite amazing to see how Eph. 3:16-21 reveals the spirit and attitude, the prayer and faith that a serving one should have in order to work out the New Jerusalem and bring forth the one new man. In this portion we see how Paul knelt before God and asked the Father to strengthen […]
God’s Glory is being Worked into the Saints until God is Glorified in the Church!

Both in the gospel of John and in Ephesians we see that God is glorified in the church, and for eternity the New Jerusalem has the glory of God, His expression. In the gospel of John we see the Lord Jesus coming as God incarnated, and those around Him saw the glory of God in […]
today God the Father is glorified in the Son and Christ the Son is glorified in the church
This morning I was encouraged by the Lord’s prayer in John 17:22-23, where He says, And the glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, even as We are one; I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected into one, that the world […]