The whole world lies in the evil one and tries to draw us and entice us, and we need to know the power of the cross of Christ to be delivered from the world; furthermore, we need to come to the Triune God and to His word to be delivered from the world. As […]
Come to the Triune God and His Word to be Delivered from the World lying in the Evil one
How the World is an Evil System arranged by Satan to Frustrate Man from Enjoying God

Anything of the world that occupies and preoccupies us brings us into being usurped by Satan; the world is an evil system arranged systematically by Satan to occupy people and frustrate them from accomplishing God’s purpose, and whoever loves the world are enemies of God. Egypt is a type of the world especially with its […]
God wants to Deliver us from the World (a place of bondage) that we may Serve Him

Genesis records the history of many individual people who were called by God, but Exodus is a book on the corporate history of God’s people. When it speaks of God’s salvation, provision, revelation, and building, Exodus tells us of God’s saving His people, supplying His people with living water and heavenly manna, giving a revelation […]
The Friendship of the World is Enmity with God; Consider God when Touching the World

We may not realize this in full, but the world today is something designed and systematized by Satan in order to usurp the people of God from enjoying Christ and from accomplishing God’s purpose. All the things on the earth – especially those related to us, the mankind – and all the things in the […]
Seeing the Vision of the World, the Evil System Arranged by Satan to Usurp God’s People

We need to see the vision of the world as the system arranged systematically by Satan to usurp God’s people from God and His purpose. We may see the vision of Christ and the church, but if we don’t see the vision of the world, if we are not aware of what the world really […]