The Word, who is God, became flesh, and in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; in Christ, God was manifested in the flesh, that is, God was living a human life, and in us today He can manifest Himself if we live in resurrection to express God and not ourselves. Amen! […]
Through Incarnation, the Word became Flesh for God to be Manifested in the Flesh
God was Incarnated in Christ to be the Individual Manifestation of God in the Flesh

God’s manifestation in the flesh was first in Christ as an individual expression of God in the flesh; the entire God was incarnated in Christ to be the individual manifestation of God in the flesh, and we can follow the incarnated Christ by living by the divine life today. Amen! This week we come […]
The Glory of God is Involved with Christ’s Incarnation, Living, Death, and Resurrection

When we speak of the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, we need to see that the glory of God is involved with Christ’s incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and coming again. Amen! May the Lord have mercy on us that we drop our concepts and turn our heart to the […]
Our God is a Speaking God, and this Speaking God desires to have a Speaking People

Our God is a speaking God; He is no longer merely hidden and mysterious, but He is speaking, He revealed Himself, and we today are the speaking people of our speaking God. In Num. 11:29 there’s a hidden small gem, a crystal, which is the expression of God’s desire and Moses’ desire, Oh that all […]
The Word Became Flesh: Christ came in the Likeness of the Flesh of Sin yet without Sin

On one hand, the Word became flesh (John 1:14), and on the other, God sent His Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin and concerning sin to condemn sin in the flesh (Rom. 8:3). This is a wonderful matter in the New Testament. Christ came as the reality of the sin offering, and […]
Christ as the incarnated Word of God fully explained God, defined God, and expressed God!
Christ as the Word of God is for God’s speaking – the Word became incarnate to be a man, which means that God’s speaking was in a man! God was expressed, explained, defined, and made real to man through the Lord Jesus Christ! The man Jesus Christ was God’s Word, God’s speaking – He expressed […]