The church life is a life of being headed up in Christ by our growing in the divine life; as we hold Christ as the Head, we grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, and through us God can head up all things in Christ. God’s will is to head up […]
The Church Life is a Life of being Headed up in Christ by Growing in the Divine Life
Being Headed up in Christ for God to Head up all Things in Christ through the Church

Ultimately, God’s will in the universe is to head up all things in Christ through the church as the Body of Christ; for this, we first need to be delivered from the heap of collapse and headed up in Christ. Our God has a great, eternal will, and this will has to do with what […]
God is a God of Purpose: He Created all things for His Will to Fulfill His Purpose

Our God is a God of purpose, having a will of His own pleasure; He created all things for His will that He might accomplish and fulfill His purpose, which is to head up all things in Christ. This week we come to a new morning revival on the 2019 Thanksgiving Conference, with the general […]
Twelve Qualifications of a Person who Represents God Rightly in His Economy Today

As a conclusion to our week on the subject of, Being Fully Reconciled to God and Enlarged in Heart to Represent God Rightly in His Economy, today we want to see some qualifications of a person who represents God rightly on earth. God created us in His image and according to His likeness so that […]
Being Willing to Take up and Bear the Cross, Realizing that it is the Will of God

After revealing that He will build His church in Matt. 16, the Lord Jesus continued by exposing the gates of Hades and by giving us the keys to lock these gates: to deny the self, to take up and bear the cross, and to lose the soul life (Matt. 16:24). In digging deeper into God’s word and […]
Satan utilizes Religion to Keep People from Christ and the Church as God’s Will

Today when you talk to others about Christ, they immediately associate this with religion; when you try to explain to them that you’re speaking of a living Person who is now the Spirit, they think you’re a religious person trying to get them into religion. Religion is something formed by the human mind under the […]
Jesus Christ Gave Himself for our Sins to Rescue us out of the Present Evil Age

This week we come to a wonderful yet sobering conclusion of the crucial points of the major items of the Lord’s recovery. We enjoyed many crucial matters related to the economy of God, the Triune God, the all-inclusive Christ, the consummated Spirit, the eternal life, the recovery of the church, the oneness of the Body […]