We can eat Jesus by doing the will of the Father to satisfy the hungry and thirsty ones and by glorifying the Father on earth in living the life of a God-man for God’s glory, and we glorify Him by learning Christ as the reality is in Jesus. When we think of eating Jesus, […]
Eat Jesus by doing the Will of the Father and by Glorifying God on Earth in our Living
Nuggets from the Ministry – Watchman Nee’s Prayer at the 1938 Keswick Convention, The Lord Reigns!

On July 22 [1938, Watchman Nee] attended the Keswick Convention with Brother Sparks. In the morning a missionary meeting was held. The chairman of the meeting, Mr. W.H. Aldis, knowing Watchman was present at the meeting, asked him to offer prayer. He hesitated at first, but after checking with Sparks and being encouraged by him, […]
Being Perfected to Function in our Measure in the Meetings for the Building of the Body

What a great need is there for us all to be perfected to function in our measure in the meetings of the church for the building up of the Body of Christ! Our meetings as believers in Christ should always be linked to God’s New Testament economy, and we should speak by focusing on God’s […]
Serve the Lord in the Church Life not out of Obligation but with a Burden from the Lord

It is a great problem in the administration of the church, in the service in the church life, and in the ministry of the word when we do things without having a burden from the Lord, for if we do things merely out of obligation, we may not serve the Lord with our whole being. […]
We are Kingdom People on Earth to do the Father’s Will by Living according to His Nature

For us to enter into the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens in the coming age, we must be those who do the Father’s will in this age; as kingdom people, we are on earth to do the Father’s will. When it comes to knowing the will of God and doing the will of […]
We Practice the Body Life by remaining in the Organic Union with the Lord in Spirit

God’s great will is to have the believers in Christ practice the Body life, that is, to have the living of the Body of Christ by the believers in the organic union with the Lord. God’s great will has three main aspects: first, it is to have a Body for Christ to be expanded, enlarged, […]
Christ is the Reality of all the Offerings for us to Worship God in Spirit and Truthfulness

Christ is the reality of the offerings so that we may worship God in spirit and truthfulness (John 4:23-24); as we live daily by enjoying Christ as the reality of all the offerings, we are brought into the building of God with man, the mutual dwelling place of God and man, the church. Praise the […]