We stay on the way of life by enjoying the Triune God as the law of the Spirit of life with its divine capacity and by living in resurrection, in the reality of the church as the Body of Christ, signified by the golden lampstand as the tree of resurrection life. Amen, we as […]
Enjoying the Triune God as the Law of the Spirit of Life and Living in Resurrection
We know that We have Passed out of Death into Life because we Love the Brothers

Praise the Lord, through faith in Christ and by loving the brothers we have passed out of death and into life, and we enjoy the sweet flow of life to minister life for the building up of the Body of Christ. Amen! Satan attacks the church mainly by bringing in death; however, the church is […]
Loving the Lord Fervently and having our thoughts Rescued back to the Enjoyment of God

As we take the way of life by exercising our spirit and turning our heart to the Lord, we realize that the love between us and the Lord depends on our thoughts, and there are some symptoms of problems with our thoughts as hindrances to the enjoyment of Christ. As believers in Christ, we want […]
Choose the Way of Life and Live in the Principle of Life, and Reject the Way of Death

The Bible presents us two trees which are two sources issuing in two ways, two principles, and two consummations; we can either choose the way of life or the way of death, and we will arrive either in the New Jerusalem or in the lake of fire. There is a choice before us: will we […]
Being Joined together in the Way of Life through Grafting for the Building of God

The revelation in Ezekiel 37 shows that the unique way to have the Body, the church, and the House of God in the genuine oneness is the way of life, just as the bones came together and were enlivened to become an army, and the two pieces of wood were joined to be one in […]
The Fellowship of Life is the Flow of Life with the Supply of Life in the Believers

In the New Jerusalem, there is a river of water of life flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, and this river spirals down from the throne and reaches all the four sides of the city, flowing out through the gates of the city (Rev. 22:1-2). On both sides of the river […]
knowing the pathway of life: death is the way for God’s life to be released

The Christian life is a life and a living on the pathway of life; as Christians and as followers of the Lord Jesus we need to enter through the narrow gate and walk on the constricted way which leads to life (see Matt. 7:13-14). What is this pathway of life? We have the divine life […]